A Stranger Quest

directed by Andrea Gatopoulos


In the eyes of an artificial mind, the last thirty years of David Rumsey, spent amassing one of the biggest historical maps collection in the world he secretly calls his poem, seem like an unexplainable quest. It will follow him on a road trip confronting with the ghosts of his past and the end inching closer.
Documentary, 90′, ITA/USA, 2023


Written and directed by Andrea Gatopoulos
Produced by Il Varco, Kublai Film, Marco Crispano, Marco Caberlotto, Lucio Scarpa
With David Rumsey
Cinematography by Antonio Morra
Music by Brian Eno, Harold Budd, Kevin Braheny Fortune
Sound by Tommaso Barbaro, Fullcode
Video post by Fedrahub
Poster and title design by Marina Rossi and Andrea Gatopoulos
Editing supervisor Antonio La Camera
Press office Lo Srittoio Cinema



41. Torino Film Festival
26. Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival
42. Vancouver Film Festival
62. Ann Arbor Film Festival
26. Full Frame Documentary Film Festival
17. Pordenone Doc Fest
59. Academia Film Olomouc
5. Debut 22 Klosters
4. Brixia Film Festival
2. Freak Film Festival
8. DokuBaku Film Festival – Special Jury Prize
10. Moscow Doker
32. Media festival Man in Danger Lodz
21. GzDoc Guanghzhou
29. Rabat Author Film Festival
30. Caminhos Film Festival